Vol. 11, August 2014


Last year, I observed that there was a gradual build-up of young and old academics who have decided to make Wesley University’s annual conference a ritual. The steady growth of this build-up continues to be gradual and quite impressive as far as the international status of Environtropica is concerned. I hereby reaffirm that the world’s scientific global village awaits the full incorporation of Environtropica in the no distant future.

The number of abstracts submitted for presentation at every annual conference since inception has never been less than 40. 42 papers were presented at the 2013 conference out of which 19 were peer reviewed for publication in this volume. 12 out of these 19 papers were accepted for publication. In comparison with our previous experience with earlier volumes, the rejection rate has reduced tremendously. This is most probably due to the fact that papers submitted for peer review are now of high quality. Researchers now know that they must submit papers of international standard to Environtropica to ensure acceptance. The Editorial Board will not renege on the firm resolve to ensure that research output through the outlet provided by Environtropica is of high academic standard.

With the publication of this volume, the 1,125 pages of publication of original research articles in Environtropica have now increased to 1,236 pages. These publications will forever remain significant contributions to knowledge in tropical environmental research.

This year’s conference whose theme is “The Bane of Tropical Countries in Appropriate Development: Environment, Energy, Economics or Management?” will take place from August 11 to 15, 2014 in Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo where over 100 researchers and stakeholders in the multidisciplinary and interwoven aspects of appropriate development for tropical countries are expected to be in attendance. 40 abstracts have already been accepted for presentation at this conference and as usual, papers submitted for publication will be peer reviewed for publication in Volume 12 of Environtropica. There is no doubt that the Environtropica family is growing. It has a sound footing in Nigeria and very soon the tentacles will spread throughout the world’s global village.
Prof. ‘Tola Badejo